
Classified ads work!

If you’re like most newspapers, your classified ad revenue from the ”big three” (real estate, recruitment and autos) is down and trending flat.  Did you know you can run pay-per-call classified ads, get paid for each qualified call and start to replace the classified ad revenue you’ve lost without the costs and uncertainties of new customer acquisition?

For nearly five years, daily and weekly publications across the country have been running pay-per-call classified ads from Mediabids.com. The total number of responses from classifieds (i.e. 25 word ”liner ads”) is over 600,000 and counting. In 2013, pay-per-call classifieds generated over 125,000 responses and 2014 is trending even higher. Clearly the classified pages still get readers and still matter!!

Visit Mediabids.com to review our list of advertisers you can run in the categories of tax, senior products, non-profits, satellite, home services and many more!

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